Sunday, August 28, 2011

Zinnias as Art

(click to enlarge each picture)

The intricacies of flowers delight and amaze me.  When individuals think of the concept of “flower,” they tend to think of a single entity.   When you truly examine a flower, however, you realize there are countless parts, and even some of the same parts have variations.  Let me be clear, when I say “examine,” I mean to observe as with a beautiful work of art -- not dissect it as a scientist.  Even as buds before they become fully-developed flowers, these works of nature can be intriguing.  Looking deeply into a flower, you realize there are sometimes even little flowers within.  What a wonderful experience!  Spend a little time or you will miss details.  In fact, please go back to the beginning and look for more details in each photo.  Take time to enjoy the art of nature.


  1. This post and the one below it are - - - well very good. The bumble bee I think may be the best. I say that because I've never been able to get that good of shot of their eyes.

    It's fun isn't it!
