Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Amazing Cacti

Cacti are amazing!  They thrive in the most incredible situations:  poor soil, limited water, and blazing heat.  This week two of my cacti presented me beautiful blooms, but you must be attentive because they usually last only one day.  They are also amazing in the juxtaposed textures of the spine-covered bodies and delicate & intricate blooms.   These blooms are like little surprise presents—a total delight.  I love my amazing cacti!


  1. Why is the center bright in the bottom two?

  2. I placed the cactus container on a table so that the early morning sun was shining on the base of the cactus. The result was this illuminated effect.

  3. Thanks, One Fly, I liked it too. I'm certainly no professional, but I like to experiment and occasionally something works.

  4. I wonder if any flowering plant, ounce for ounce, produces blooms as big these.

  5. I don't know that answer but I find cactus flowers to be among the prettiest. These are exceptional.
