Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Passion Vine, Passiflora caerulea
(Click to Enlarge)


  1. I left a long comment last night but and it's not here. I probably didn't post it. I don't think there was anything in there that would have annoyed you so it was me.

    I'm glad you did this Mrs. Fearguth. If it's not fun don't do it and do not make a job out of it.

    My pictures enlarge twice and yours just once. I wish they did. Is that a parameter you set and if so how did you do that?
    Mine are 2-6mb in size.

    I very much like this picture!

    See you Roseann.

  2. Thanks, One Fly; I like it too! I didn't see you comments from last night--must not have posted. The way I set the size of my pics is by clicking on the picture and selecting the "large" size. I'm certainly not an artist, but I do enjoy trying to capture beauty. Thanks again.
