Thursday, September 8, 2011


Look around your garden.  Do you have a few plants that really suffered or even succumbed to our blistering summer?  I certainly do, and now is the best time to make a commitment to those plants which will withstand our super hot summers.  Don’t wait until next April when nurseries stock all those beautiful plants that thrive in 80 degree temps but go into shock when the thermometer registers 100.  Spring time is too late to commit because your resistance will be low, and you will be tempted to try that special plant “just one more time.”  Those plants which are toasty now will be just as toasty next year.  Make your sketches, make your lists, make your promises--do whatever is necessary to make your gardening less stressful next year, but do not wait—START NOW!
Here are a few of my happiest plants in full sun (I’ll suggest part-sun plants later).  They have survived the summer and still look quite good.  Plan for next summer before it's too late!

Lantana (click to enlarge)

Jethro Tull Coreopsis (click to enlarge)

Zexmania (click to enlarge)

Bougainvillea (click to enlarge)

Mexican Sunflower (click to enlarge)

Miss Huff Lantana (click to enlarge)


  1. Thanks for the comment, One Fly. I like the Camara Lantana too--it's such a happy color. You just can't feel sad if you're looking at it. I must admit, however, that my flowers are somewhat like my children. I love them all--each one has its own individual charm. I'm just overjoyed that they are still blooming after this record-setting summer.

  2. All the picture are so good and the Bougainvillea is great as well. I think sometimes pictures can be just as good or better than the real thing.
