Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Fabulous Fall Color

As we turn our calendars to August with summer in full swing, it may seem a bit odd to be talking about "fall color."  Planning is important in all aspects of life, and planning for the garden is also essential.  I will be posting a few of my fall favorites over the next few days.

I'm always delighted to find a plant which is interesting over a long period of time.  It's also a bonus if that plant is not only pretty but is also functional in other ways (i.e., nectar for the pollinators).  For that reason, I think Ajania pacifica (commonly called Gold and Silver Chrysanthemum) is a winner.  It thrives in our summer sun, needs little extra water, and tolerates our winters as well.  When few plants are providing nectar in late October and November, this one is a favorite of many small pollinators.  The beautiful white margins of the delicately-scalloped leaves are stunning year-round.  Give it a good "haircut" in the spring, and this beauty will provide lots of interest in your garden.