Plumeria Flower Stalk Emerging
(click to enlarge)
Up to Nine Inches
Remember that ballad from Carly Simon -- “Anticipation?” That’s exactly the feeling generated by my beautiful Plumeria. A Hawaiian native, the Plumeria really, really doesn’t like winter. They much prefer sunny life on the beach with cool breezes gently ruffling their leaves. Nevertheless the Plumeria is a good sport if given a little TLC. Mine was a “pass-along” cutting from three years ago. It looked like a giant brown asparagus. I carefully followed instructions for rooting this lifeless-looking specimen, and just when I had almost given up all hope, it began to show signs of life. During the summer it sends out beautiful large leaves that always drop in the winter, even with protection in the house. Every spring the process begins anew. Plumeria love the heat and even the morning sun, and they produce delicately perfumed blossoms which are used to make the leis in Hawaii. The flower stalk is a teaser, however. Remember Carly’s “keeping me waiting.” The Plumeria keeps you waiting and grows ever so slowly until finally it begins to explode with beautiful, fragrant flowers. No wonder this beautiful flower represents the Hawaiian symbol of “aloha” and affection. Oh sweet anticipation!

First Bloom
Worth the Wait